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Duo Production



Two founders of Duo Production - Wisely and Richmond as a friend in a very first stage of their lives. One is thinner and one is fatter, emphasizing their incompatibility. Sometimes they laughs, sometimes they fight. It is the fault that due to the very well understanding of each other.


Richmond Tong - 被攝影耽誤了的歌手



人生轉向又如何?現在專注拍片攝錄,專注發掘新人自然流露感情的一秒間,幫客戶解決一個又一個婚禮疑難,充當新人的心靈雞湯,同時也創立了DUO Live Music婚禮樂隊,為婚禮樂壇盡一點綿力。

Keeping his passion in performing arts from teenage, he had ever tried to joining some 'A star is born' tv shows but already exceed the age limit. Trying to keep on tracking his dream but finally realized photography business has been waiting for him.

He is focusing on videography now and keen on exploring natural faces from couple, resolving problems for their wedding issues case by case and even as a mental helper for them. Besides, he establish a new division - Duo Live Music, last but not least, to provide a better live performing music for wedding couple.

Wisely Chan - 自認靚仔有才過ERROR既肥仔


行內10多年經驗,雖則係old seafood一名,不僅精通攝影拍片,上至明星下至街頭阿姐無一不被佢鏡頭所震攝住,鍥而不捨、勤奮、對藝術既執著、無限創意再加上曾為某本地著名婚禮攝影師助理既佢,對婚禮安排及細節可以説是瞭如指掌,對光影捕捉更加有很深的體會。

Has been devoting his passion in photography business for a decade, not only photography but also cinematography. From street-snapping on an ordinary women to capturing famous star, what he was admired by people is the detailed mind to tiny things, diligence and keep exploring any possibility to be perfect. He has once been a Protégé of a Hong Kong Wedding Photography master, familiar with wedding details and enthusiastic on shadow and contrast.

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